
Learn effectively, reach your goals, be proud of yourself

Your Swiss Army knife  for learning new languages

Tolgy is in beta and looking for the awesome suscribers to test the application. Excited to try out our beta version?

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    Tolgy Features

    Why Join Our Beta?

    Be the First to Experience Tolgy

    Dive right into conversations from day one

    Personalized lessons are waiting for you

    Level up your career, give your brain a workout

    Conquer as many languages as you like

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    How Tolgy Works

    3 Main Powers

    Free For Everyone Forever

    Learn languages with Tolgy at no cost. You can access all features by watching a short ad each day, making learning accessible to everyone.

    AI-Powered Content

    Experience the future of language education with Tolgy's AI-driven content. You'll always encounter content that matches your level and challenges you to improve

    All Language Levels Coverage

    Tolgy supports all language levels from beginner to advanced learner. Start from scratch or pick up where you left off, with lessons designed to help you improve steadily

    Be in the Know!

    Stay updated on Tolgy's launch!

    Your feedback will help us perfect the app and create the best language learning experience

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